Improved security, safety,
wellbeing for everyone through our Credenxia software.

Our Solution

What we do

The CredEntry solution is a seamless, user-friendly system that provides real-time identification, validation and ongoing monitoring of qualifications and certifications.


CredEntry provides a fully integrated workforce management system which is custom designed to your organisation and risk profile.

Paced and scaled implementation is offered to align with regulatory requirements, risk profile and schedule & budget management.

Our biometric and thermal camera is designed for integration with physical access controls, for example doors or gates.

  • We co-design the configuration of your CredEntry protocols and credentials

    Your hierarchy of roles can be high level, using categories like health care worker and administrative staff member, or detailed down to specific roles, for example Registered Nurse, Caterer, Mechanical Fitter, and Head Office Worker.

  • Each role in your hierarchy has defined credentials which are then classified as either to be 'source authenticated' or 'visually inspected'.

    Examples of credentials include Police Clearance, Health Records such as Vaccinations, Responsible Service of Alcohol, First Aid, MISC, TBOSIET, Qualifications and Trade Certificates.

    Each member of the workforce is assigned to a role and invited to register in the CredEntry portal.

  • In response to the CredEntry invitation, each member of your workforce must upload all required credentials portal .

    Identification is source authenticated in order to set up profiles for all employees within the CredEntry system. This is either a Driver’s License, Passport or a Birth Certificate.

    Other credentials are either source authenticated or visually inspected based on your compliance and governance needs.

    Other credentials are either source authenticated or visually inspected based on your compliance and governance needs.
    All credentials must be met for access to be granted.

    Any unmet credential rejects access.

  • You can incorporate bespoke questionnaires, like a health declaration. This can be completed before arrival or at the CredEntry kiosk on site.

    Facial recognition and thermal scanning are automatically undertaken by the camera in the CredEntry terminal. Unrecognised faces and temperatures outside of range prevent entry.

    Validity of all other credentials are checked before access is granted.

    Access is recorded at both entry and exit.


While particularly relevant to aged and health care settings, management of visitors and guests is also paramount in corporate environment and for distinguished events.

CredEntry provides a fully integrated system where governance is assured, user experience is enhanced and cost savings are realised.  

  • Bookings are scheduled in advance, providing systematic management of the flow of people and if required can be used to stipulate access numbers and control contact points

  • At first enrolment, visitors are identified and photographed which is subsequently used for facial recognition

  • Thermal scanning is automatically undertaken by the facial recognition camera and prevents entry when it identifies temperatures out of range

    Incorporate bespoke questionnaires for visitors to complete, for example, a health declaration

  • Labels are printable for visitors to wear while on-site and QR codes can be used for contactless entry and exit

    Access is recorded at both entry and exit.

    Use QR Codes for a contactless experience.

  • Data integrity is assured versus a manual, multi-step or non-integrated process

    Cost savings will be realised by reduced administration and duplication of effort/data handling

Benefits of CredEntry

The CredEntry solution protects people and productivity with seamless governance and risk reduction.


Compliance and guaranteed credential verification

Better contractor experience – hassle free onboarding

Fast check-in and out for staff and contractors  

Automatic reminder for compliance updates

Integrates with existing ERP and HR systems

Easily updated for changes in legislation or internal systems 

Trusted data security through the Azure encrypted platform

How it comes together

  • Simple and Powerful

  • Visualise Your Risk

  • Invite, Collect, Verify - Repeat