
Case Study

Streamlining Access for Non-Rail Workers

The Public Transport Authority struggled to grant access to "non-rail corridor" workers, causing delays and expenses. Previously, these workers underwent a lengthy, costly safety induction meant for rail corridor workers, leading to unjustifiable expenses and a two-week lead time. This delay impacted basic services, building projects, and park maintenance.

The CredEntry Solution:

CredEntry provided a streamlined solution through its platform for non-rail corridor workers:

Optimised Workflow:

• Implemented a 100-point ID check.

• Hosted necessary safety inductions and assessments to ensure workers achieved the required competency levels.

Cost and Time Efficiency:

• Reduced costs per worker.

• Decreased lead time from two weeks to 48 hours.

Digital Identity Integration:

• Enabled workers to use a digital profile and identity card for site access.

• Enhanced efficiency and security of worker verification.

Supplier and Employee Management:

• Supported the client in managing over 175 suppliers.

• Processed more than 5,500 employees, ensuring safe site access.

The Impact:

  • CredEntry solved access issues fornon-rail corridor workers by implementing robust verification and induction processes.

  • CredEntry significantly reduced costs and lead times while maintaining safety standards.

  • Enhanced efficiency by managing employee and supplier onboarding and using digital IDs,while ensuring compliance.

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